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Production Diary #1 - interviews & key moments


With all three interviews for my radio documentary now complete, it is time for me to cast my eyes onto the post-production side of things. Given the type of content I am creating, I will be spending a lot of time over the coming days listening to the same sound repetitively, as I work on editing the audio I have gathered from these interviews. The first thing I have done in this phase of the project is to essentially make my life slightly easier as I start to dissect my recordings on Audition. I sat down and listened to the entire duration of every single interview I will be using for this documentary, and marked down the time in which every notable quote or piece of audio that will be useful to the project is heard. I also made sure to write down when we covered different topics, or I asked certain questions. The simple reason for this was that when I next sit down to edit the hours of audio into a ten minute piece, I know where every part of the conversation can be located. This has ensured that I am much more prepared for the heavy editing that I will be conducting, and that hopefully the process will be less tedious. The next phase for me is again, to sit down and start piecing together the puzzle on Audition, and to start seeing the final project come to life.

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